Virtuplex Welcomes Taiwanese Journalists Upon Opening of Prague-Taipei Flight

This event took place in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Czech Economic and Cultural Office.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Czech Economic and Cultural Office prepared an extensive multi-day program for Taiwanese journalists that emphasized presenting Czech technologies, innovations, and traditions. It included a presentation of the Myia drone developed by the Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLÚ) that the Virtuplex transposed into virtual reality last year. This is an autonomous vehicle that in the future could transport people and goods. The VZLÚ and the Virtuplex will continue to work on the project this year.

Besides the virtual model, journalists could also inspect a smaller 3D model of the aircraft, as well as satellites designed by the VZLÚ.

“The virtual reality presentation was a treat, even for journalists from a country like Taiwan that use modern technologies a great deal more than we do. That is why the unmanned aircraft presentation in virtual reality was a positive unexpected experience for them,” the VIRTUPLEX´s Michael Sido said.

Representatives of the CzechInvest Business and Investment Development Agency also visited the Virtuplex, presenting activities that support the development of aerospace start-ups at the ESA BIC business incubator.